Shapes & Shades
studies in form, light, and pattern
The essence of photography is light, form, and composition. Natural and manmade, richly tinted and greyscale, this collection of images is a study in pattern and texture.
Some subjects are easily recognizable; others might be less distinguishable. But in either case, careful attention to composition results in a fresh viewpoint of even the most mundane.

Monkeypod Moire
A black-and-white version of a monkeypod tree highlights the branches' repeating patterns

Lighthouse Window in Morning Light
Angled morning light strikes a lighthouse window, providing a simple yet bold color statement and accentuating textures.

A Study in Spirals
A spiral staircase and its railing wrap around the image, creating an outer visual boundary as well as a path that leads the eye in toward the center.

The Wood Kraken
The Wood Kraken's malevolent eye keeps watch over the path, waiting for the unwitting passer-by to come within reach of its grasp.